Thursday, April 26, 2012

There's no dot like an old dot

Some more gleanings from my series of 3x5 cards in the MISC category.

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“I'd like to thank my parents, Ayn Rand and God.” (Laura J. Mixon) Another fine example of the need for care in punctuation.

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“The modern conservative is engaged in of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy: that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.” (J. K. Galbraith)

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Six dozen of the half, one of the other. (JS 2008-04-09)

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Is “delible” the opposite of indelible? (JS 2008-04-15)

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Columny: calumny by a columnist. (JS 2008-04-30)

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Don't hate the player, hate the fame. (Railroad car graffiti, 2008-05-06)

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It doesn't matter how much it costs so long as it looks cheap. (Prescott Grey on the equipment purchased by MIT Lincoln Labs)

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The rotten cream rises to the top. (Kathy Albrecht)

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If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons? (Anon.)

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The odds are good, but the goods are odd. (On MIT coeds being able to find a husband there; fide Pat Buckley)

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Where is that chocolate sauce leaking from? (Discussion between two employees overheard at the Albuquerque Airport Village Inn, 2008-03-01)

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What a catastrostroke! (Jimmy Durante)

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Innovation is hard to schedule. (Dan Fylstra; from the Unix fortune file)

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Energy-to-clues ratio: a metric for twinkishness (JS 1999-06-12)

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I didn't major in shutting up. (JS 1999-07-02)

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Writing about music is like dancing about architecture. (Frank Zappa)

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A chicken farmer went to the New Mexico State University agricultural extension agent to get help with his chickens. “When I plant them head down, they die. When I plant them with their head sticking out, they die. I tried flooding the field. They all drowned.”

The agent replied, “Let's start by taking a soil sample.”

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Information wants to be anthropomorphic. (Via Allan Poindexter; a riff on “Information wants to be free”, an Open Source manifesto.)

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Even the gravy is going to be tough. (Don Huebner explaining why it's a bad idea to bag an old, toothless elk.)

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If it ain't Baroque, don't fix it. (Al Stavely, 2001-01-24)

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Claptraptions: marginally functional automobiles. (JS 2001-02-14)

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Careful. We don't want to learn from this. (Calvin & Hobbes)